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Medstead Church of England Primary School

Achieving excellence for all children

within an inspiring and inclusive environment

Staff List and Responsibilities

Staff List and Responsibilities


Leadership Team

Headteacher - Mr Hunt




Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1 Class Teachers


EYFS & KS1 Leader- Mrs Pullen (YR)



Miss Pierce (Y1)

 Leader for PE


Mrs Starr (Y2)

Leader for Junior Road Safety Officers

Leader for PSHE



Key Stage 2 Class Teachers


Mrs Bennett (Y3)

Leader for R.E


Mrs Marks (Y3)

Leader for History


Mrs Anderson (Y4)

Leader for Geography


Mrs Carpenter (Y5)

Leader for Science


KS2 Leader- Mrs Burningham (Y6)

Leader for Maths


Mrs Hickey (Y6 & AHT)

Leader for English, Art and D.T


Mrs Gower (Maternity)

Leader for Music


Mr Hill

Joint Head of Specialist Provision for the Deaf

Leader for Computing


Mrs Crook

Joint Head of Specialist Provision for the Deaf

Leader for Pupil Premium


Mrs Harris

Leader for MFL


Forest School Leader - Mrs Henderson

Leader for Outdoor Education


Special Educational Needs

Mrs Dean-Hughes

SENCO—Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator



Learning Support Assistants

Mrs Bernhardt

Mrs Flood

Miss Scrase

Mrs White

Mrs Male

Miss Gadd

Ms Miller

Mrs Maloney

Mrs Marlow

Mrs Chocian

Mrs Maloney

Mrs Livie

Mr Wettone

Mrs Richie

Mrs Bertolone

Ms Dabrowski

Mrs Mills



Peripatetic Music Teachers

Mr Adams (Woodwind/Recorder)

Mrs Meers (Keyboard)

Rock & Pop Foundation (Guitar)



Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs Connor

Mrs Trincal

Mrs Painell



(Specialist Provision for the Deaf)

Mrs Caws

Mr Cooke

Miss Labrosse

Mrs Swain

Mrs Walsh

Mrs Warburton

Mrs Sansom

Mrs Male

Mr Wettone

Mrs Robinson

Mrs Foulkes



Office Staff

Mrs Brench -

Finance Officer/ Business Manager

Mrs Pate -

Admin Officer

Miss Harrington -

Admin Officer



Mr MacCallum






