Information technology
At Medstead School we deliver a high quality Computing Curriculum in a form of weekly sessions in the newly created Computing Room. We equip pupils with knowledge and skills to use technology responsibly, purposely and with an increasing confidence, which they can further develop in their future education. We prepare pupils for the technological advancements constantly taking place in the world, where every day life, education, future workplace and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to the newest technologies.
We aim to achieve this by teaching pupils three core aspects of the Computing Curriculum:
Digital Science (pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to apply this knowledge through programming)
Digital Literacy and Information Technology (pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content as well as become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through Information Technology)
The three core aspects of the Computing Curriculum are completed in conjunction with:
E-safety (in order to enjoy a variety of technologies pupils must become aware of dangers of the digital world and be equipped with knowledge of what to if they come across specific behaviours online)
In the Early Years at Medstead School, the computing curriculum is incorporated within their everyday learning of Communication and Language, Literacy, Mathematics, Art, P.E, PSHE and Understanding of the World.
In KS1 pupils learn about technology in and outside school as well as to develop their computer skills to create a range of digital context like animated stories, creating pictures, creating spreadsheets, pictograms, presenting ideas and even create digital music! Pupils are also introduced to programming and are beginning to write their own programmes. They are also taught how to analyse problems in order to debug programmes across their computing learning journey so far.
At KS2 pupils further develop their programming skills, which includes creating their own multi-level computer games. They also learn how to use an email system, create spreadsheets, graphing and branching databases and how to present their ideas using a variety of software (animation, MS Word, Power Point, 3D modelling). They also have a go at creating their own blog!
E-safety plays an important role in our everyday learning and is continuously revisited across all year groups. Pupils are also learning new things to build on their E-safety knowledge because new apps, games and other wide content in the Digital World is often launched and picked up by users very quickly.
All skills taught by the Computing Curriculum here at Medstead are also to enhance subjects across the whole curriculum and pupils are using technology in a variety of ways on daily basics. We have an extra-curricular Coding Club, which enables pupils to develop their skills even further.