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Medstead Church of England Primary School

Achieving excellence for all children

within an inspiring and inclusive environment

Residential Trips

At Medstead School we believe that residential trips offer our children unforgettable experiences and life-long skills. We have a planned schedule of trips across Key Stage 2. The duration of the visits increases each year.


In year 4, the children enjoy a one night stay at Henley Fort in Guildford. The fort is  Victorian  and was built to protect London from invasion. It was later used by the Home Guard in World War 2 as a re-supply depot. The facility is now used to offer groups a chance to take part in  a living historical experience. The children dress in wartime overalls and experience black outs, air raids and home guard duties. The children sleep in Mongolian Yurts which adds to this amazing experience.


Each year, Year 5 visit Calshot Activity Centre near Southampton. This residential trip lasts for two nights. The children sleep in dormitories and enjoy a programme of activities which includes dry slope skiing, indoor climbing, kayaking and sailing. This trip allows the children to strengthen their bonds as a class, develop their independence and above all, live our school values of Hope, Trust, Courage and Resilience. 


Our Year 6 class travel to Ashdown Forest in East Sussex to Hindleap Outdoor Activity Centre. This centre offers a programme including Orienteering, High Ropes, Initiative Courses and Bush craft. All of these encourage teamwork and challenge the children to step out of their comfort zone. They sleep in dormitories for three nights and also take on responsibilities in the dining room. This trip encourages all of our School Values.


Hindleap Warren

Henley Fort
