We have now started our times tables weekly tests (known as 'Speedy Tables'). We revised our x10 facts in class and they all know these, so we moved on to x5 facts. We had a quick practice with x5 and some children were very confident and managed to answer 40 or more correctly in 4 minutes, so they have moved on to x2 facts already! Well done Maple Class, a great start to Speedy Tables!
This is the order we follow to take advantage of learned patterns:
- x10 / x5 / x2 / then mixed x10, x5, x2 sheet
- x4 / x8 / then mixed x2, x4, x8 sheet
- x3 / x6 / x9 / then mixed x3, x6, x9 sheet
- x7 / x11 / x12 / then finally a sheet with all the facts mixed
This might take all year, but if they finish them they will start again and cover them as division facts.
The children now know which set of facts they are on. Please encourage your child to spend time revising/learning these facts. Practice sheets are available below this message. Remember, they have 4 minutes to answer 40 or more questions correctly before they can move up to the next set.
It is also worthwhile revising their number bonds up to 10 and then up to 20, so that they can recall these facts quickly when problem solving. Ask if you need any further help with this!
Two useful websites to help with this are:
- Hit the Button - see https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- Times Tables quiz generator- see https://www.timestables.me.uk/printable-pdf-quiz-generator.htm
Both of these sites are free to use.
Any other questions, please ask!
Mrs Bennett (November 2024)