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Medstead Church of England Primary School

Achieving excellence for all children

within an inspiring and inclusive environment

Art & Design Technology

The curriculum at Medstead Primary School has been planned to ensure coverage of NC Art and Design skills from Year R through to Year 6. We are a creative school and understand the value of subjects such as Design Technology and Art. Children thrive when they are actively engaged in creative tasks and Art and Design allow them to explore other aspects of their personalities and express themselves differently.

Each year group has a set of skills planned for across the year. These will sometimes be taught in connection with other subjects such as History or Geography but can also be linked to the works of specific artists or designers. Our skills progression document ensures that a range of materials, tools and techniques are used and that children develop their artistic and engineering abilities as they move through school.

Medstead pupils use sketchbooks and art folders to record ideas, explore stimulus and techniques. These records demonstrate the thought processes involved with producing a piece of art and can help children to practise the necessary techniques. Younger children have their art collated in folders as they often use large pieces of paper for their artwork. 3D pieces of art and design are also displayed throughout school.

Whenever possible, we try to have collaborative pieces of art planned within the school year. This can take the form of designated Arts and Design Weeks, class murals and inter-school projects. We have also entered local and national art initiatives such as the Alton Art Exhibition and ‘Take One Picture’.

In recent years, we have welcomed local artists into school to speak to the children and work alongside classes. One of our House Heroes is local artist Rachel Hudson. We also utilise the amazing skills of staff who deliver lessons and coordinate projects.

Our Arts Ambassadors are involved in selecting and celebrating art in school and help to coordinate whole school projects with the lead teacher.
