At Medstead Primary School, our belief is that maths is for all and we intend for pupils to develop a love of maths through the excitement and challenge of engaging in rich task problem-solving. This maths mastery approach enables children to secure fluency and reasoning skills and gain enjoyment through their flourishing self-confidence as mathematicians.
Our teachers share their enthusiasm for and understanding of maths. The teachers deliver the curriculum through a range of rich tasks, which allow for variation for all abilities and opportunities to make links across domains; they provide, where possible, real life examples and contexts that the children can relate to. All children have access to a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches to help them represent problems.
Knowledge of number facts and a fluency in using them is a vital part of maths for each year group, crucial for the children’s mathematical learning and progression. These number non-negotiables are assessed at three points throughout the year and used by teachers to focus on filling gaps in the children’s knowledge and skills.
We further support the teaching and learning that happens in the classroom with the use of regular home learning activities that require the children to systematically rehearse content at home. All children have access to Mathletics as part of their home learning provision.