Physical Education
The curriculum at Medstead Primary School has been planned to ensure coverage of the PE curriculum from Year 1 through to Year 6. The children in Year R follow the Early Years Foundation goals for physical development. The Year R outdoor classroom has a wide range of equipment and resources to support this. Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop the fundamental skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities by providing a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for all to be enjoyed.
All of our pupils are entitled to benefit from high quality PE provision and this supports learning across the curriculum. Children will understand the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle and the impact this can have on their emotional well-being. The PE curriculum assists stamina for learning and develops skills such as commitment, confidence, determination and resilience. It also promotes the social and team-building skills needed to ensure pupils are effectively prepared for life as active citizens, contributing positively to society.
Our Physical Education lessons take place in the school hall, on our extensive playground and on the field. The hall offers a safe space for gymnastics and dance lessons, which can incorporate the wall bars, a range of benches, beams and boxes, and floor mats. Our playground has markings for team games, netball/basketball posts and football goals for each year group. We also have a wooden adventure site, which is used during playtimes.
We feel that it is important to welcome people into school who can share their expertise with the children. Aspire coaches come into school every week and teach a range of sports across the year. They cover team games such as tag rugby, cricket and mini games as well as athletics and tennis. The Aspire coaches support our annual Sports Day and we welcome back past pupils taking GCSE PE at secondary school to help with events.
Recently, we have welcomed Chance to Shine Cricket into school to run sessions with the children in Years 2, 4, 5, & 6 and we have a skipping workshop booked in later in the year.
Our sports captains are involved in setting up and supporting activities during break times. The children also take part in the Golden Mile on our all-weather running track and we offer different after school clubs, including two running clubs and judo. We take part in school competitions when possible. Our aim is to insure that the children have a wide range of opportunities to be active during the school day, which is extremely beneficial.