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Medstead Church of England Primary School

Achieving excellence for all children

within an inspiring and inclusive environment


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

Please see 'Notification of Variation' in relation to submitting an application for a child's place under the Church Criteria within our Admissions Policy:


In the event that during the period specified for attendance at worship the church [has been closed for public worship and has not provided alternative premises for that worship, the requirements of these [admissions] arrangements in relation to attendance will only apply to the period when the church or alternative premises have been available for public worship.

To arrange a visit to look around our beautiful school, please email or phone the school office:

Tel: 01420 562824


Please click on the link below to read about the Hampshire C.C. Admissions:

To contact Hampshire Admissions:

Tel: 0845 603 5623

Please fill in the form below if you would like register your interest in a place at the school, and be kept updated with forthcoming events:

I would like to register my interest in a future school place, and be kept updated about forthcoming events:
